Who is AMF?

  • Affinity Mentorship Foundation (AMF) is an ongoing, dynamic mentoring program located in Calgary, AB, and a charitable society with a focus on empowering youth at-risk of or already involved with the justice system. This is accomplished through mentorship-based programs that are effective, impactful and support youth in managing change and planning for the future. AMF recognized gaps in relation to youth involved in the justice system. When in custody, youth receive supportive services and programs however, this ends on release which is a factor in the continuous cycle of youth incarceration. AMF was formed to provide a continuum of support to aid youth in developing healthy relationships and building community connections that serve as a foundation for change. AMF and its volunteer mentors work with youth to help them envision a new future and take steps to reach their goals. Core work focuses on the mentee (youth) to mentor relationships, the building of community connections, and developing a supportive network. The goals are to see the mentee successfully complete their education, gain sustainable employment, break the cycle of re-offending, and gain natural supports in their chosen environment.

Click link below to access our Year End Summary Report for 2023